From time to time, I head back to this blog to share creations with the reader... and so I have started to work with jewellery - only a week ago! I think I have the knack for it, having always observed carefully every piece of jewellery I buy.
My gran taught me to string beads as a young child - mostly seed and bugle beads, but I never knew quite how to get them to hang around my neck unless the thing was large enough to go through my head. And I have always wanted to make earrings but never knew quite how.
This last weekend, I took the plunge and joined a friend of mine. I put together some tools that I had, together with some supplies from when I last attempted to start again. But this time it went well - I have a couple of items listed on Etsy - Gerimaus's shop!
I have, so far, one pair of pink earrings and one pair of turquoise-coloured earrings, both sets made with glass beads. I plan to make more, so do keep a watch-out for that space!
