Happy New Year!

2009 was a year of many developments for me, on the crafts level.  I actually shifted from making toys and scarves to garments, and I also began to work on some serious crochet, and finished myself a few bags and a lovely halterneck top as you can see from my previous posts. Of course, nothing would have come this far without the great push I got from the Stitch N Bitch books, which I bought in 2008. These are really useful handbooks for knitting and of course for crochet. I had never crocheted before, and all of a sudden I could take the plunge and first made myself a very basic bag, and then moved on to crocheting my lovely halterneck top, which you've read so much about.

I have now ventured well into the world of pattern working, as I can finally say I can read a pattern without getting all cross-eyed. Besides this collection from Debbie Stoller, I have leaned heavily on Simply Knitting Magazine.  Again, I was driven to subscribe because of all the lovely Alan Dart toys featured, but when I began to see the delightful garments shown, I was inspired to have those garments and therefore, of course, to knit them. I am also susbcribing to The Art of Knitting, which does have some delightful items too, although I did find a number of page-fillers in some of the issues. I recently also bought Le Idee di Susanna (Solo Maglia), but you have to be very familiar with italian to work with this magazine.  The thing with this lovely italian publication is that the Italians have a knack for fashions - I prefer Italian fashion to that of the English-speaking world, and therefore I was excited by - promise! - each and every project in that book! Well worth my six euros!

I'd also love to thank all my friends at ravelry for the great support given to me in my mad quests for success in my projects. It's worked so far, and yes, the Internet is very rich in resources - both for knitting and crochet. I thought I'd also venture a little into beading when it gets warmer later into the year, but for now I will be happy with the thick wools....

As for thick yarns, I have bought some Wendy Viva, Wendy Fusion (3 colourways) and a host of other yarn! It's preposterous, my yarn is taking up all my free space! So I have embarked on a new poncho, to be knitted with Wendy fusion, and on a sweater dress, which will take up 9 balls of my eletric blue dk. Pictures below tell the story... but frighteningly there's more awaiting me at the post office... yes, I had an ordering moment of madness in December! Still I'll knit it all up somehow!!


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