Welcome to my Cosy Corner

I've taken the plunge and decided to start writing about the things I love doing with my hands. I've always loved crafts - whether it was calligraphy, tapestry, sewing or knitting, and I've even painted in the past, using watercolour.

Therefore I decided not to name this blog for any particular craft, so that I can use it to share anything that tickles my fancy. You will see that in summer I set aside anything to do with wool. This is because in Malta it's too hot to come anywhere close to a strand of wool - whether it's real wool or some other synthetic stuff.

Of course, you can find me on ravelry, with the username gerimaus. Much of what I do on the knitting side is there.

I've also recently purchased a new Knitting Mill Maxi from Knitwell UK. I'm still having teething problems with this gadget, as I seem to get untidy edges. I read a helpful article on Purplelinda Crafts, which says to keep the yarn taut when starting a new row, but I'm still trying! Here's what she has to say:

If you are having teething problems with the knitting mill maxi it is usually just a tension problem as all mills are tested at the factory to ensure all the latch hooks are running. Here are some tips to help -
Drop a long end of yarn down the middle of mill when you start so you can grab it and place tension on the yarn as it moves through the mill. Slowly turn the handle and watch each latch hook open and close, if one doesn't stop. Use a fine crocket hook or a yarn needle to open and close the hook that doesn't cooperate. I do recommend starting very slowly and pick up speed gradually. Once you have made enough of a square to hold on to and put tension on it, it gets easier because the tension helps the hooks open and close. You will find that different yarns work better than others. Clip on weights could be used at the end but I still recommend using hand at the beginning.


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